Administration Guide for the Mail Page Plugin
Image Handling
The plugin adds images to emails by encoding, embedding and optionally compressing them. Compression will be used for pictures with a pixel size (width or height) greater or equal to the value labeled Maximum length of a side of a picture in pixels. Enter 0, if you don't want pictures to be compressed.
Ground setup to use Mail Page & Newsletter
In order for the plugin to work, you have to have a Mail Server configured. Choose a Mail Server in the drop down labeled “Default Mail Server for the app”. If the field is emtpy please configure a mail server first or contact your administrator for help.
Recipient Limit
Mail Servers usually can't handle emails with thousands of recipients. How many recipients per mail are possible depends on the setup of the mail server. The recommended minimum from the RFC is 100. If you know that your mail server can handle more, you can enter your own limit into the recipients limit field. Users will be informed that their page will be sent out in individual emails if they try to send to groups larger than the limit set here.
Sender Adress configuration for your Mails
Mail Page & Newsletter allows in default mode invidividual information to the sender party. If you want to restrict the sender information on one standard based on the mail server configuration you can choose the check box to ensure that.
Restricted custom sender information
In default mode every user can individualize the sender information based on the sender information field when trying to send a page as a mail. If you want to restrict that this ability of customization you can do that by activating the check box on the restriction part in the configuration.
Secruity for cross domain images
The default for high security purposes is that pictures from other domains which are not part on the page and stored in confluence (moing from another domain) are automatically blocked in the mail you sent out. If you want to display such cross domain referenced images in your mail, then chosse the check box for this configuration.
Please be aware that using this configuration changes the level of security. You have to be aware of the risk you are taking.
Enable or disable Mail Page globally and at space level
By default the Mail Page App is enabled globally by the admin setting “Enable Mail Page Globally”.
If you disable the App globally, you can enable the App at Confluence space level individually:
Logo for you Mails
Finally, you can decide, which icon will be displayed in the header of an email - your globally used Confluence icon (e.g. company logo) or the icon used in the Space the shared page belongs to (e.g. department logo)
Hidden Features
Please be aware that the usage of dark features are at own risk and not part of the support maintenance!
If you enter your base URL following this suffix you will get hidden features of Mail Page & Newsletter displayed:
Mail reply-to and user mail from
A) The user is used as sender information
By activating this configuration the the “from name” setting of the mail server configuration will be used in the mail instead of the user full name.
B) The system is used as sender information
By activating this configuration the reply-to header in the mail will not be set.
System from name
In defautl the from information in the mail is set by the mail server configuration. You can choose to define a individualized “from name” by typing it into the field and save the changes.