Mail Page Configuration

Mail Page Configuration

How to access the configuration

Navigate to Confluence Administration → Mail Page → Configuration.

Mail Settings


Default mail server for the app

Select the mail server which Mail Page should use to send mails. You can select only the mail servers already configured in your Confluence system.

Recipients limit

Enter the number of recipients your mail server can handle at once (as in: in a single e-mail). The default are 100 recipients for one mail.

Always use from address configured in your mail server settings

The “From Adress” is part of the mail which will be sent from confluence. The Confluence administration allows to configure the standard mail server information which includes the “From Adress” information.


Do not allow to use custom sender addresses

If deactivated, the user can choose individual “Sender email” & “Sender name” information to send this specific mail:

Sender information provides the option “custom”

If activated, the user can not choose individual “Sender email” & “Sender name” information to send this specific mail:

Sender information provides no “custom” option



Allow to download external images from foreign hosts and embed in email

If images from external hosts (not uploaded on your confluence but used from e.g. Internet sources) are used in your confluence pages, you can manage if this images should be part of your emails being sent to recipients

Enable Mail Page globally

If enabled, mail page is globally active without restriction to user or groups rules.

Enable beta version of mail scheduling

If enabled, users will be allowed to create scheduled mails via the mail page feature. It is possible to schedule mails one time in the future or to schedule time plans where a page will be sent out automatically based on the scheduling rules you defined. Find more information here Schedule Mails using Time Plans .

Allowed domains for recipients addresses (Whitelist)

This field is an active whitelist. If you want to secure the target range of domains allowed to be used to sent pages as mail to, then you can defined these domains in this field. Please type in the domains separated with a commata without an @ sign e.g. “your-company.com”. If the field is empty, every domain used by users is allowed to sent out mails to.

Mail layout

Which logo do you want to be displayed in the header of the email

Use site logo → In the header of all mails sent out, the global logo of your confluence will be included. The global logo is uploaded in your confluence administration under “look & feel” options.

Use space logo → In the header of mails sent out, the space logo where the pages belongs to, will be used.


Maximum length of a side of an image in pixels

Enter the pixel value (number only -  200 reflects 200px) of the side length of an image here. Images larger than the value entered here will be scaled down.

Example of an image without scaling:

Example of an image scaled to 200px:

Custom css for your mail layout

Use custom css for mail layout

You can define your own styling rules for elements (ID’s & Classes) by using CSS code. This helps you leverage the result in the mails for e.g.:

  • Tables

  • Titles

  • Sections

  • Elements of the page you wont not to be part in mail

  • and so on…

Save your changes

Don't forget to click on the Save button at the end to confirm your changes.

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